Thursday, July 30, 2009

Moody Myrtle

I have officially nicknamed my navigation system "Moody Myrtle." She cannot EVER make up her mind and leads me to dead ends and dark alleyways. Okay, so not really dark alleyways but it sounded good. She has two signature sayings "Make a U-Turn " and "You are now off track." She'll say one of the two then immediately change her mind and tell me to continue ahead. She sometimes has me switching lanes as if I'm in an obstacle course and putting me on major highways unnecessarily.

On my way to dinner tonight she told me to prepare to enter the highway so I got in the correct lane to do so. Just before I entered the on ramp she changed her mind, didn't want me to get on the highway and told me to continue ahead then make a right. I of course, pulled a quick lane change (not safe) and continued ahead. She then proceeds to tell me to make a right on a road name that doesn't exist and I end up having to ask a security guard where the restaurant is located. I finally found it, thank goodness.

We used Moody Myrtle in Hawaii too which turned out to be quite a disaster. We were looking for another restaurant (yes we eat out a lot) and she led us to an apartment complex. We figured the owner of the restaurant or one of his family members probably lived there. All we could do was laugh hysterically. Most of the time I'm confident she'll at least get us within 1/2 mile of our destination then we can use other sources. It's better than nothing, right?

She's indecisive, complicated and moody - Sounds like someone I know very well...Me! And I'm sure my husband would agree :)


  1. Sounds like MM needs a tune up, I mean driving is serious business
    and you know you don't wanna be taking that wrong turn on the
    But finding a good restaurant is always a good thing even worth
    a wrong turn or two. In the end it's most often meant to be...for
    the true afficiado or more to the point the real famished.
    I remember one evening in Kyoto we had been wandering in old
    town looking for a particular restaurant with little luck, remember in
    Japan no all. Exasperated and wary, an un-marked
    doorway appeared and for no reason we entered. And yes it was
    the elusive distination and truly memorable. No GPS, no map, no marker just destiny for someone who loves and appreciate food.

  2. Anonymous,

    Tune up as in never use it again? I agree. But I still use it and take my chances. Thank you for sharing such a neat story. Who doesn't love a good hole in the wall restaurant?!

