Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ehllo to 2012!

Hi all,

So I hate when I wait so long to write a blog that I have so much that I want to talk about and don't know where to start.

Let's just start by saying that so far 2012 has begun amazingly. I have clear goals in mind and I am more motivated and determined to accomplish them then I ever have been before. I have felt very peaceful and happy recently and I think that only breeds positivity.

With that being said, this year I want to run 2 half marathons, GIVE more (time and money), stick with school, learn to meditate, watch tv no more than 3 days per/wk, cook more, eat healthier and the list goes on... OH! And blog more, duh.

One thing that I've realized lately is that yes, I have been married to the MR for over FIVE years, but I haven't been the most domestic wife and I'm not afraid to admit that I have lacked in the maturity department (at times!). What can I say, I like the jokes! (insert the "am i saying too much" face) However, If I'm ever going to be a Mom and raise a family, I'm going to need to make some changes; like get myself out of bed in the morning and learn how to cook something other than a bowl of fav! And I would do ANYTHING in the world for the MR so I guess I better get my ass in the kitchen more, eh?? (insert winky face)

Now that I've brought the classiness to my post I should probably sign off (winky face)

I hope you have your goals written down and get to 'em, 'cause it's 2012 BABY!!!!!!!!! (insert game face)

Nice chat!


Ps: notice anything creepy about my collage? Anything? Other than the entire collage? Bueller?

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