Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ms. Grumperton

I met with my good friend "M" yesterday morning at a coffee shop. We were having such a nice time catching up when a woman came and sat down next to us. She interrupted us and said to M, "are you sick because you have a cough?" M said, "I'm getting over a little cold but I'm fine and it's not the H1N1." For the record, M had a slight cough, not a hack. The woman preceded to tell us how the government says that anyone with any cold symptoms should stay home, how selfish and uneducated M is for being out in public with a cough and that it wasn't all about her. We were so caught off guard and who was this woman anyway?! Our lovely meeting over coffee suddenly went sour because of this grumpy woman who decided to butt in to our conversation instead of minding her own business OR, moving tables for that matter. M decided she was done dealing with this woman and got up to leave, I followed her. Sadly, at Ms. Grumperton's age, she hasn't learned that she can't control what others do or say but she CAN control staying at home. In my opinion, Americans constantly live in fear and that includes me. The flu is the flu and it's been going around for years. We don't need to squabble around as if everyone with a cough or a sneeze is an H1N1 dispenser. Just sayin'.

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